BRUCE CHOREOGRAPHY VIDEOS: please use the following videos to prepare for your upcoming rehearsals. Returning cast members are expected to have their choreography mastered when they arrive at the rehearsal and new cast members should have watched the videos and practicing the choreography to the best of their ability.
Allison - I have decided you will still be a big kid in this scene. I need one more big kid and that way, you won't have to learn all new choreography. Unless, you have an objection, I think it will work out better this way.
Allison - I have decided you will still be a big kid in this scene. I need one more big kid and that way, you won't have to learn all new choreography. Unless, you have an objection, I think it will work out better this way.
Full Group Video & Turn Video From Last Rehearsal: these videos are from our final rehearsal of Bruce. You may use these videos, along with the other to review.
Lily Demonstrating Little Kids Choreography: all of the returning little kids should have been able to perform the choreography at this level of mastery. Please use this video and have the choreography mastered for the next rehearsal.
Little Kids - Part 1: cast members (little kids) should be watching Lauren, who is in the back row, second person in from the left. She is wearing a silver top.
Little Kids - Part 2: cast members (little kids) should watch this video and practice these steps. Hopefully, returning cast members will remember where this step comes in the choreography. comes after the above video.
Little Kids: the next 2 videos show the choreography as it looks from the audience perspective. Please note, that the cast members in these videos may not be performing the steps correctly at all times. However, I know that it may have been difficult for new cast members to understand how the choreography looks from the front. Please use the counts from the demonstration video with Lauren.
Big Kids - Video 1: cast members (big kids) should practice with this video. This video demonstrates the choreography through measure 65 in the score. Big kids do not enter until measure 55.
Big Kids - Video 2: cast members (big kids) should use this video to learn the choreography after measure 55. The video also demonstrates the entrance choreography. ALL big kids will be dancing on the desk tops. So, please learn the desktop choreography. Mary this will be a slight change for you.